
pmCherry-N1 載體信息

  • 產(chǎn)品貨號GS-1139
  • 銷售價格¥ 680
  • 包裝規(guī)格2μg質(zhì)?;?.5ml甘油菌
  • 載體抗性Kanamycin (卡那霉素)
  • 篩選標(biāo)記Neomycin
  • 載體大小4722 bp
  • 啟動子CMV

pmCherry-N1 載體說明

mCherry is a mutant fluorescent protein derived from the tetrameric Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein DsRed.(excitation and emission maxima of native mCherry protein are 587nm and 610nm. Genes of interest can be cloned into the MCS and will be expressed as fusions to the N-terminus of mCherry (source: Clontech). transgenic expression of mCherry-tagged proteins in mammalian cells

pmCherry-N1 載體圖譜

  • pmCherry-N1質(zhì)粒圖譜/載體圖譜