
pGAS-TA-Luc 載體信息

  • 產(chǎn)品貨號GS-1575
  • 銷售價格¥ 680
  • 包裝規(guī)格2μg質(zhì)?;?.5ml甘油菌
  • 載體抗性Ampicillin (氨芐青霉素)

pGAS-TA-Luc 載體說明

The Pathway Profiling Systems allow you to quickly profile the effects of a given stimulus, drug candidate, or gene of interest on key signal transduction pathways in vivo. The Pathway Profiling Systems cover a variety of signal transduction pathways in eukaryotic cells. Pathway Profiling Systems are available for broad-spectrum or targeted profiling of key signaling

pGAS-TA-Luc 載體圖譜

  • pGAS-TA-Luc質(zhì)粒圖譜/載體圖譜